Tuesday 8 December 2009

Creating the Lever

Creating the Lever.

(See Image references below)

I created the nuts that hold the lever to the back panel, to do this I created a rectangle with 9 segments, by using the create tool and changing the shape’s parameters on the right hand side toolbar.


I then right clicked the object and selected ‘convert to editable poly’ I then selected vertex mode under the editable poly options and used the move tool to place the vertices where I want them to get the correct shape for the nut.


I then had to create the end of the bolt that is visible when looking at the bolt. To do this I created a sphere and used the scale tool to shape it correctly and place it into position.


I didn’t need to worry about the thread on the bolt because this is not visible, but had I needed to do it I planned to use a box shape and use the twist modifier and the Boolean tool.

I then moved onto creating the curved teeth for the lever to grip onto, for this I created a Box and made sure it had a lot of segments so I could edit the shape in more detail, I then created this to an editable poly and moved the vertices to where I needed them to create the teeth shapes.


I then added a ‘Bend’ modifier to the box and played around with the settings until I had the curve I wanted that matched the original one.


Here are some more components that have been created for the lever.


For the handle on the lever I used a box and converted it to an editable poly and moved the vertices around until I was happy that the shape matched that of the actual handle,


I also deleted some of the vertices that I didn’t need by highlighting them and pressing the delete button, this did sometimes mean that I would have to select the polygon option and use the create tool within that to create the missing sides.


Here is the overall shape of the handle without the textures added.


Unfortunately due to a slight confusion of communication another handle was made by matt and added as well as the backboard it joined to which was his original task then we were going to merge my handle and his board together. Due to this I left the handle that I had created at the stage it was and didn’t have to make any further adjustments.








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